Day 2- Be consumed with your message

As a Public Speaker, it is important to understand what your message is per speech.

What is the point to your speech? What is your end game? What is the impact you want to have on your audience? Is it to amuse or educate them? What do you want your audience to take away from your speech?

When you are giving a speech, there are three entities involved; you, your audience and your message. The most important entity is not you, neither is it your audience, it is your message.

The reason you are on that stage and your audience is there listening to you is your message. You are a messenger.

Be so absorbed by your message that every other thing including yourself becomes secondary.

When you are so engrossed by your message, you will not have the time to think about how your shoes are dusty or how your dress is too cheap. Being consumed by your message, distracts you from irrelevant thoughts.

Imagine that you were lost at sea with a public address system and a small raft that is barely afloat. When you finally chance upon a ferry filled with tourists, will you keep quiet because you are scared that you look a mess and that they may laugh at you? No! You will scream at the top of your lungs for them to stop and take you along.

At that point, getting your message across to them will be all you care about and that’s how much your message should consume you.

Be so consumed by your message that there is no room for distractions.

© Ugonna Oleh

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