During my secondary school (high school) days, some of my classmates were already in relationships. Most of them had no idea what they were doing, some are still figuring it out even now.

Today, I’ll be telling/writing the story of David (this is not his real name, although I’m pretty sure any of my classmates will know who he is just from the story. Lol, his story was that popular). David really really liked a certain girl in our class and then Continue reading “DIARY OF A YOUNG PERSON- THE QUEST FOR LOVE”

Advice-Giving with finesse

Dear young person, when your friend asks you for advice, don’t just rush into it. Understand that as young people, the actions we take are influenced more by our friends than by any other person. So when your friend comes to you for advice, don’t go shooting out advice without weighing its consequences.

Continue reading “Advice-Giving with finesse”

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