Dear Young People, don’t compare yourself or your progress in life with others because while we are all here on planet earth, our journey through life is rather distinct and different. If you think you are on the same journey as everyone else, you are sourly mistaken. There is no other you in the whole universe. Continue reading “ALL YOU EVER NEED TO BE IS YOU”


Trying to create a balance between starting a career, maintaining an active social life and trying to attain independence, being young can be stressful and sometimes overwhelming. It’s very easy for one to get lost in the tussle and hassle of trying to maintain a balance and stay happy. Sometimes in trying to achieve our goals, we hit a roadblock and it’s like nothing is working and all you want to do is to throw in the towel and give up. Dear Young Person, at this point is okay to tell yourself “I am overwhelmedContinue reading “I AM OVERWHELMED”

Changing your habits

Dear Young Person, It’s the 9th day of the year, how many of those habits you said you will stop do you still do? How many of the ones you said you will develop have you already slipped up on? It’s okay if the changes you want in your habits aren’t happening as smoothly as you might wish. Truth is change is hard.  Continue reading “Changing your habits”


Every year, we make new resolutions, we set goals but we forget to as ourselves a very important question that is paramount to the actualization of these goals. Who am I? It’s a simple enough question and we may be tempted to reply with just our names. After all that should be enough but it’s much deeper than that. Our identity goes beyond our names to our core values. Continue reading “WHO AM I?”

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